21st Annual St. Andrew Bill McAlpine Golf Classic

Ray Herman Thanksgiving Day Parish Meal Event

  • Ray Herman Thanksgiving Day Parish Meal Event

  • The Ray Herman Thanksgiving Parish Meal is returning to our normal sit down meal event!! It will take place in the Parish Hall from 11:30am to 1 pm on Thanksgiving day. There will also be takeout meals available for pickup during the event.

    We are seeking your commitment to help with the Purchasing and Cooking the turkeys, donate desserts (apple pie, pumpkin pie and cookies only) and to make donations to offset the cost of this event.

    We also need as many volunteers who can help with serving on Thanksgiving day.

    Thank you for supporting this year's event.
    St. Andrew Men's Club

  • Turkey sign up- Please note you are committing to purchase a turkey(s) 20lb each, cook and return the cooked turkey to the Parish Hall kitchen between 5:00 to 7:00pm Wednesday November 27. Please be on time to drop off your cooked turkey.

  • Dessert Donations sign up

  • Money Donations are being graciously accepted to help support this event and can be made by clicking here.

  • Should be Empty:

Thanksgiving Day Volunteer 2024

  • Thanksgiving Day Volunteer

    The Men's Club will be doing the Thanksgiving Parish Meal similar to how we did last year's event. This will be a no sit-down meal and event will focus on providing boxed turkey meals to the residents of St. Andrew Towers and those most in need within our parish. Please select the time slot that you can assist with and the area that you prefer to support.
  • Please select the from the time slots below:

  • Kitchen team - 6 volunteers (limited availability)

  • Parish Hall - Kitchen Assist - Prep/ Box Meals/Clean -

    8 volunteers

  • Tower Distribution - 8 volunteers

  • Captains: Doyle Lee

  • Parish Hall Distribution - 8 volunteers

  • Clean Up - 6 volunteers

  • Should be Empty: